My suitemates got a ferret. O-fucking-K. We warned them that the rodents end up smelling like the rotting cooch of Paris Hilton (ooh, too easy) but they went ahead and bought it. Let me tell you a few interesting tidbits I've learned about the ferret kind:
1. Ferrets have no bones. How else do you explain the freakish wiggling he does to get away from me?
2. Ferrets dislike extremely attractive, intelligent, graceful girls with a hilarious sense of humor. (i.e., me).
3. Ferrets are kind of gay. This one (who I affectionately named Freddie Mercury) likes shiny jewelery, burrowing into fabulous shoes, and his sparkly pink play ball.
4. Ferrets will shit on ANYTHING. Like my roommate's dishes.
5. Ferrets like to stick their heads near cave-like places. Even if it's your cleavage. Or your crotch.
I still think he's kinda cute, even if he is a little shitter and I feel like I have to wash my hands after every time I pet him.

Toodles, Texass
1. Ferrets have no bones. How else do you explain the freakish wiggling he does to get away from me?
2. Ferrets dislike extremely attractive, intelligent, graceful girls with a hilarious sense of humor. (i.e., me).
3. Ferrets are kind of gay. This one (who I affectionately named Freddie Mercury) likes shiny jewelery, burrowing into fabulous shoes, and his sparkly pink play ball.
4. Ferrets will shit on ANYTHING. Like my roommate's dishes.
5. Ferrets like to stick their heads near cave-like places. Even if it's your cleavage. Or your crotch.
I still think he's kinda cute, even if he is a little shitter and I feel like I have to wash my hands after every time I pet him.

Toodles, Texass