Friday, October 06, 2006

Tres Thingos

There are three things that made me very very happy today:

1. A kid in my psychology class asked, "Was 'Skinner' actually his real name?" God, I love morons.
2. Throwing dead flowers and stale crackers off my 8th floor balcony to hit people's cars.
3. Wearing my Vagina Monologues shirt on parent's weekend. A bright red shirt that exclaims THE VAGINAS ARE COMING is the best attention-getter I know of. Especially in front of crotchety old people.

Leading the El Salvadorians to Revolution,


Blogger Daniel said...

HAHAHAHHAHAHa @ 3. That is freaking awesome.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:23 AM  

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