Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why I Have Nightmares

Well thank the LORD we can bring laptops to class, otherwise I might go on a shooting rampage. My professor is STUPID. She's the kind to wear Halloween themed sweaters. And I don't like her. Exhibit A:

Yeah, she's so dumb she EATS dumb. The irony here is that I accidentally spelled "even" wrong. Goddammit.

Exhibito B:It's a known fact that Jesus dislikes stats too. But does he do anything about it? Ye-no.

Exhibit Q3:

My mommy thays I's a good fiyer draller.
I'm pretty sure hate crimes via arson aren't illegal against abstract math class names. Also, I'm not sure on how to draw a flame thrower.

This is how I release my hidden aggression towards sample sets,


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